Casa Cork
We're thrilled to announce our participation in Casa Cork by David Rockwell during Milan Design Week.

Is This the Path of Love?
We recently finished reading The Serviceberry by Robin Wall Kimmerer. It is a beauty of a book expanding on the essay of the same name first published in 2020. In it, Kimmerer explores the gift economy, where resources are shared freely and reciprocally, rather than hoarded.

All This Joy
"All this joy, all this sorrow
All this promise, all this pain
Such is life, such is being
Such is spirit, such is love”

Hope in the Dark
Like most working families, the morning of November 6 was also just another Wednesday in our household. It was time to get kids to school and adults to work. To respond to emails like everything hadn’t somehow shifted.

Voting with Dollars
“Everything is on fire, but everyone I love is doing beautiful things and trying to make life worth living, and I know I don't have to believe in everything, but I believe in that.”
- Nikita Gill

Material Matters
This past summer and fall, we had the opportunity to participate in an advisory council at the Rhode Island School of Design. It is a gathering of faculty and alumni considering the future of the beloved department where we met as students.

Clarity of Light
May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
may the protection of the ancestors be yours.

Clamoring for Cork
When we launched our second cork collection in 2022, Hannah Martin of Architectural Digest featured us in her article "Designers are Clamoring for Cork."

Orienting Towards Potential
We started our summer season by attending a three-day workshop led by a visiting Katonah Yoga teacher. This style of yoga incorporates traditional Hatha postures with Taoist theory, geometry and metaphor.

The month of May is always an exciting time for American design. This year is turning out to be no exception. Here is where to find Grain next week as part of NYCxDESIGN.

Our New Off-Grid Cabinet
Spring is always an opportunity to begin again. This season, we have been trying to think less about the pace of change happening all around us and more about how we relate to that change.

Get to Know Spartan Shop's Currie Person
Currie started her first iteration of Spartan in her hometown of Austin, Texas in 2008. She now runs an evolved version with her “small but mighty" team in Portland, Oregon, where she represents over 30 artists and designers including Grain.

At Home With: Arch Drinks Table
Discovering where our work finds its place in the world is one of the most thrilling surprises we get to experience as designers. These moments are not easily come by; in many cases, they remain a total mystery.

The Peace of Wild Things
"When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief.”
- Wendell Berry

Grain Turns 15
Today marks our 15th year in business. As the date has drawn closer, we’ve been reflecting on what we have learned, what we will be taking with us into the future and most of all, what we need to let go.

In Service & In-Stock
When we explain what it means to be a B Corp to someone who might not have heard of the certification before, we often say that we aim to put people and the planet before profit. It is a phrase that gets used frequently in the B Corp community - one that we have tried to make our own, but usually return to for its alliteration alone.

Let There Be Light
This past weekend, we spent some time sitting in a tree in the woods watching a prodigious squirrel several stories up a maple releasing seed pods. We never actually saw the squirrel, just the results of their efforts as leaves rustled and pods rained down around us littering the trail.

Cultures Within Capitalism
Grain partner Chelsea Minola recently joined Holly Howard on our favorite podcast about creative entrepreneurship, Cultures Within Capitalism, to discuss creative partnership and the poetics of an intentional life.

Summer Open Studio
We are excited to announce that our Bainbridge Island studio will be open to the public August 11-13, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, as part of the Bainbridge Island Working Studios tour.
Bee Eaters
“It’s a false dichotomy to say we could have human well-being or ecological flourishing. There are too many examples worldwide where we have both, and that narrative of one or the other is deeply destructive and cuts us off from imagining a different future for ourselves.”
- Robin Wall Kimmerer