Sight Unseen Presents: Seattle

Big news: Sight Unseen, has declared Seattle the American design city to watch. Editor Jill Singer writes:

"Seattle is proof positive that these days you need only to find two or three talents in a local scene (that’s Iacoli & McAllister, Ladies & Gentlemen, and Grain, leading the way) before scratching the surface will lead you, Tumblr-style, to a whole community of creators who no longer feel the need to live in a major city in order to express themselves."

To celebrate their finds, Sight Unseen will be featuring a week and a half of artists, designers, and photographers working here in Seattle. We couldn't be more proud to be included in this roundup (Grain's post will be Thursday) with Jill Wenger of Totokaelo, Iacoli & McAllister, Amanda Ringstad, Charlie Schuck, Nicholas Nyland, Ladies & Gentlemen Studio, Ashley Helvey, and more!

Photo from our very own Washington State Ferries by Michael A. Muller.


Storefronts Seattle


Computer Numerical Control