Reproductive Rights = Human Rights

We believe in human rights. We believe in the rights of individuals to construct the families that they want to have for themselves. This includes who they choose to love and whether or not they choose to have children at any point in their lives. There is no freedom in a society that does not allow for this right to choose.

As a business, it is important for us to share with our community that we plan to support the reproductive rights of our employees if that is asked of us. We stand in support of the businesses that have made formal commitments to their employees. At the same time, we feel discomfort around the idea that access to reproductive rights should be gifted out by HR departments as a corporate privilege. They are a fundamental human right.

We had an informal studio conversation about all this yesterday over lunch. Due to summer childcare issues, this was the first time we have all been in the studio at the same time since the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

One of our employees has a partner who is a doula in our local community. Another has a parent who works in palliative care. I practice yoga most mornings right next to the midwife who delivered our second daughter in a blow-up pool in our living room. There is hardly a day that goes by that James and I do not think about that birth or the emergency hospital birth of our first daughter and the doctors, nurses and doulas who kept us safe.

If there is one thing that we can hold on to at this moment, it is acknowledging these health care workers and advocates who dedicate their lives to support the choices and needs of their patients. Our laws may be changing, but these care workers will continue to be out in the world finding a way to support their patients. For our part, we can find ways to support them.

If you are looking for abortion access resources or a place to donate, we suggest starting here.

Take care out there!


Grain’s Clover Collection

